Orchid Room
객실명 형태 실수 화장실 넓이 인원 비수기 성수기 추가인원 숙박평수 기준 최대 주중 금요일 주말 주중 금요일 주말 난실 수공식통나무 5 3 85 15 25 550,000 750,000 830,000 550,000 750,000 830,000 11,000
객실유형 : 수공식 통나무(독채), 별채 / 85평
집기시설 : 방 5, 화장실 3, 1층 대형거실, 2층 소형거실, 노래방, 벽난로, 스크린, 피아노, 정수기, 전자렌지, 드라이기, 대형 개별바베큐장, 샴푸, 비누, 치약, 수건
- A natural interior for you
- On a trip to meet a pleasant respite! Make pension in memories.
- A special room for you
- On a trip to meet a pleasant respite! Make pension in memories.
- I was bored and needed a change of pace.
- The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.
- Kitchen Fixtures
- The kitchen has a sunny breakfast nook.
- [bathroom]
- The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.
- Barbecue
- The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.